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Welcome ✨

So glad you're here! As busy you are, I can tell you get it.  Your health matters.  I'm Julie, a Certified Yoga Therapist (which is like a personal trainer for yoga).  I can help you find the RIGHT TOOLS to optimize your physical, mental and emotional health efficiently, regardless of your starting point. 


I started yoga in my mid-40s when my friend suggested it could relieve my chronic back pain.  And it did!  But that was just the start.  Over time my once-a week practice showed me the real power of yoga is subtle.  Without trying, the calm and balance I practiced on the mat followed me into my life.  I found myself responding instead of reacting to life's frustrations. My confidence increased.  Negative self-talk fell away. I felt less stressed, less worried and oddly more calm (for this Type A personality!)  Leaving me with SO MUCH MORE energy in my 60s than I had in my 40s. 


Wonder if this kind of yoga is right for you?  Or how you can get started?  I'd love to chat with you over Zoom and sort that out.  


You are here for a reason.  Trust your intuition.


Can't wait to see what yoga will do for you!

Yoga to feel your best.HEIC
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